Saturday, February 28, 2009

Round 2

So, I was in the hospital again last night with preterm labor that lasted about 4 hours. :( Unfortunately the only thing I got out of it was being 75% effaced by the time it was over and up to a 1cm+. I was hoping she would come so I wouldn't have to go through this again, but no such luck, so I get to stay home and feel crappy for the next few days. Sounds like fun, doesn't it?
Oh well, what can you do?
In other news, I chopped off my hair to the shortest it has ever been and added bangs. I will add some pictures in a bit.


Lanette said...

I'm excited to see your haircut! It sounds cute. And I'm sorry about pre-term labor...:(

Dave & Melissa said...

I'm sorry about the pre term labor. Are you on bed rest? Well... as "bed rest" as you can get with kids, anyway. I'll keep you in my prayers. I hope things go smoothly and hopefully she'll come early so you can be done. Good luck!