Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Baby update

We had another ultrasound yesterday to measure growth and fluid. Everything is fine, but the ultrasound technician said the baby was 6lbs 4 oz already!!! With 5 weeks left that adds another 2 lbs by delivery time. Looks as if we are going to be expecting an 8 lb baby. My doctor mentioned of course that they could be plus of minus 1 lb at this point however.
Also, she measured at 75%, when average normal is 50%. Her leg was the only thing that measured at 34 weeks, everything else...especially her head...measured at 36 weeks plus. Everyone I see keeps telling me that there is no way I will make it to the end of March. I guess we'll see. If anyone wants to put in a guess as to when she will get here, I am interested to know your opinion LOL.


Lanette said...

I'm guessing she'll come early--March 7, in fact. :) How are you feeling?


Wait. Before I make a guess... Were you early, late or near your due date with your boys??


Well my guess is that you'll be early again, especially with the pre-term labor you were having earlier. It's SO close now!!

Carina & Dan said...

I'll say March 19th she will come. Question: How are you spelling Hayley? And your baby shower is March 7th right?