Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Night Terrors

So, since Zachary turned one, every few weeks he wakes up in the middle of the night screaming at the top of his lungs. That wouldn't be so unusual except that we cannot wake him up and he goes very rigid. We asked his doctor about it and he said it sounded like night terrors. We found that out like 6 months ago, I just only happen to be blogging about it now but anyway.... Has anyone else had any experience with this sort of thing? Or have any advice on how to wake up a child who is so stuck in his dream that he doesn't know whats going on? I mean it only takes around a half an hour to get him out of it, but it is still scary.
He's just too sweet to be having these kinds of problems. I mean look at his baby pictures.


Dave & Melissa said...

Aaawwww, he's so cute! How sad that he's having problems with night terrors!. My son Andrew will occasionaly have a nightmare, but we've never had any experience with night terrors. Have you tried praying or singing IAm A Child of God to him? When Andrew wakes up scared I've taught him to pray. He knows that Heavenly Father will help him feel better. Anyway... just an idea. Good luck with that. Have you found that the night terrors are realted to lack of sleep or when he's sick or anything?

Anonymous said...

My Rachel has the same problem. We can't seem to wake her up from the dreams and she continues to scream off and on through the night. Someone told me with their child they just try to speak soothingly to him until he calms down or wakes up.

Karen K. said...

Both Sarah and Jeff had night terrors. Sarah actually got up, walked out to the living room and started getting very angry and violent. She even tried to flip the coffee table over! I literally had to sit on the floor with the child in my lap with my leg over their legs and my arms held tightly around them until they calmed down. It didn't help to try to wake them up. Generally I'd think they were awake and they really weren't. They'll just stare at you like they're totally awake and they're not! It's really weird. I had night terrors too. My advice: just quietly hold them tight if they're really thrashing around and speak soothingly or like Melissa says sing something to them. It's not like a nightmare. They are still asleep even though they appear awake. Sleep disorders are just strange. I saw a show recently that had cameras on these women who got up at night, sleep-walked into the kitchen and consumed 1000's of calories of food, went back to bed and didn't remember a bit of it in the morning.

Anyway, this is what I found online and after experiencing night terrors I think it makes a lot of sense. Good luck!

"There's no treatment for night terrors, but you can help prevent them. Try to:

* reduce your child's stress
* establish and stick to a bedtime routine that's simple and relaxing
* make sure your child gets enough rest
* prevent your child from becoming overtired by staying up too late "

Conforti Family said...

Hi brandi! Kadee my oldest she's 3 has had many problems with night terrors and sleep walking. One thing that helped a lot was making sure she wasnt overly tired. shes at the point where she doesnt quite need a nap and the days she didnt have a nap and played hard she had really bad nights. If I forced her to atleast lay down and rest throughout the day even just laying down to watch a movie helped a lot. When it does happen trying to wake them up makes it WORSE! try and soothe them the best you can but really you kinda just have to wait it out and give them a blankie or whatever they love the most. I havent tried the singing, that might help, i thikn i might try it1 Sorry it is happening to your little guy, lots of children go through this but grow out of it!