Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Just a little scare

So...guess who was in the hospital last night in preterm labor? That's right, it was me. I took the kids for a walk last night because my doctor has told me to get exercise. Well we walked about 4 or 5 blocks, not that far I thought. I came home, sat down to relax and started feeling some discomfort. At first I didn't think anything of it but then that "discomfort" started getting worse and was 7 minutes apart each time. So I got worried and called the doctor. She said if it lasted another hour to come in. Well it did and it got worse so I went in. They concluded I was having contractions after being on their monitor for an hour and a half or so. Since we really didn't want to give birth just yet they gave me a little pill to relax my uterus, don't worry this pill could not affect the baby, I asked. The first one didn't work so they gave me another one and that seemed to be effective.
So happily enough we do not have our third child yet. She told me if I didn't have 2 young children to care for that she would recommend bedrest, but hello! who can be on bedrest with Anthony and Zachary running around? So I just have to take it easy, try not to pick them up anymore, no more walking 4 blocks, and yeah..do as little as I can which will drive me nuts. Anyway, just thought I would update everyone.


Daniel and Tiffany Ward said...

I'm really glad to hear that it stopped. That is scarey. I hopr you take their advice and do as little as you can. We will keep you in our prayers.


SCARY!! Well, I know it will be hard, but try to take it easy as much as possible. 75 days is a little, no a LOT, early for that little baby. Keep her (it's a girl, right?) in there a little longer. :)

Dave & Melissa said...

My, goodness! I'm so glad you didn't have your baby yet. How scary! Hey, if you want I can take your boys so you can nap or rest or read.... My kids would love to play with them. Call me. 953-1881

Matt and Christy said...

Scary! If you need any help, put a comment on my blog with your phone number (my blog is password protected, so you don't have to worry about any scary people getting a hold of it), and I would be happy to come lend a hand. Elijah would love some new friends, and I know that bed rest is probably the best thing for you now. I could watch your kids, clean your house, or whatever you need. PLEASE let me help!!!

Lanette said...

Wow, that is scary! I'm glad she didn't come early. It'll be tough staying more passive with your two boys--I'll keep you in my prayers!