Monday, May 11, 2009


Haylee is growing so big and strong. Soon we will have updates on weights and height, but for now just seeing her legs filling out from the skin a bones they were at 2 weeks does my heart good. She holds her head up like a pro and barfs on mommy like she enjoys doing it. Her brothers love her to pieces and are getting used to her crying fits. Yes, my daughter has a temper already. UH OH! We are doing our best to work around it, but what can you say to a 6 week old baby. Quit it or I will take away your uh.....? Anyway, you get the picture. Enough of my ranting about Haylee.

Tony, whom I am also proud of is finally making friends. I know that doesn't sound like much of a feat, but he has never really had a friend outside of church. i.e. someone he plays with more than once a week. Gabe, our next door neighbor and he play almost daily outside on their bikes in our quiet culdesac. YAY TONY!

So, I was afraid that he would quit on me with the whole potty training thing, but... He has now graduated to going number 2 on the potty and I couldn't be more proud. This is a huge step for Zachy and much harder on him than it was for Tony it seems. However, I will be so glad to only have one diaper to change. He goes potty at least once a day, sometimes twice, and today he went three times and made 2 #2's!!! Things are going smoother than expected. It's always nice when the happens.

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