Yes Haylee is in a laundry basket. We (the kids and I) stayed at my mom's house in Springfield the other night while Adam went four wheeling with my brother and sister-in-law. She didn't like sleeping on the mattress my mom had with me so we put her in the laundry basket next to me while I slept. She actually slept quite well.
This is a cute picture of Tony at Aunt Trina's birthday party. Adam's sister turned 34. She looks great for 34 I think!
A recent picture of me. Not my favorite but I don't think its that bad.
Haylee smiling at her toys on her car seat. She is really enjoying grabbing for things and looking at everything.
My little Zachary showing his attitude side. HEY!!!
I know there are a lot of pictures of Zach but he is just adorable. We love going to the parks around here.
A big brother for the first time. Not too sure about this mommy.
So, long story short we are doing pretty well after losing Adam's grandpa. Such a wonderful man, he died on July 8th of complications with is lung and heart. Wonderful guy we loved and will remember always.
Adam took the summer off so he could get used to his new calling (Young Men's advisor) and cause everybody needs a break right?
We miss everyone in Eugene, but remember cars go both ways!!!